
Disease Ontologies.

Bodenreider O

In: Dubitzky W, Wolkenhauer O, Cho K-H, Yokota H, editors. Encyclopedia of Systems Biology: Springer; 2013. p. 578-581.


Disease ontologies can be traced back to the 17th century, when health authorities in London used a standard list of about 200 causes of death to compile accurate health statistics known as the Bills of Mortality (Bodenreider 2008). This list was later integrated into the International Classification of Diseases, the 11th revision of which is currently under active development. Among the several hundredths of biomedical ontologies currently available, a few dozen provide coverage of diseases. A selection of these ontologies is presented in this brief review.

Bodenreider O. Disease Ontologies. 
In: Dubitzky W, Wolkenhauer O, Cho K-H, Yokota H, editors. Encyclopedia of Systems Biology: Springer; 2013. p. 578-581.