
Enhancing LexSynonym Features in the Lexical Tools .

Lu C, Tormey D, McCreedy L, Browne AC

AMIA 2017 Annual Symposium, Washington, DC, November 04-08, 2017, p. 2090


Synonym features in the Lexical Tools are used as element synonyms for subterm substitution in query expansion to improve recall in concept mapping in various NLP projects, such as UMLS-CORE, Sophia, STMT, MMTx. This paper describes the implementation and evaluation of enhanced synonym features in the Lexical Tools (2017). The results show an improvement (~5%) on both recall and F1 with similar precision using enhanced synonym features in query expansion for UMLS concept mapping.

Lu C, Tormey D, McCreedy L, Browne AC. Enhancing LexSynonym Features in the Lexical Tools . 
AMIA 2017 Annual Symposium, Washington, DC, November 04-08, 2017, p. 2090