
Situated Question Answering in the Clinical Domain: Selecting the Best Drug Treatment for Diseases.

Demner-Fushman D, Lin J

Proc COLING/ACL 2006 Workshop on Task-Focused Summarization and Question Answering, July 2006, Sydney, Australia


Unlike open-domain factoid questions, clinical information needs arise within the rich context of patient treatment. This environment establishes a number of constraints on the design of systems aimed at physicians in real-world settings. In this paper, we describe a clinical question answering system that focuses on a class of commonly-occurring questions: 'What is the best drug treatment for X?', where X can be any disease. To evaluate our system, we built a test collection consisting of thirty randomly-selected diseases from an existing secondary source. Both an automatic and a manual evaluation demonstrate that our system compares favorably to PubMed, the search system most commonly-used by physicians today.

Demner-Fushman D, Lin J. Situated Question Answering in the Clinical Domain: Selecting the Best Drug Treatment for Diseases. 
Proc COLING/ACL 2006 Workshop on Task-Focused Summarization and Question Answering, July 2006, Sydney, Australia