A method for verifying a vector-based text classification system .
Lu C, Humphrey SM, Browne AC
AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2008 Nov 6:1030.
Journal Descriptor Indexing (JDI) is a vector-based text classification system developed at NLM (National Library of Medicine), originally in Lisp and now as a Java tool. Consequently, a testing suite was developed to verify training set data and results of the JDI tool. A methodology was developed and implemented to compare two sets of JD vectors, resulting in a single index (from 0 - 1) measuring their similarity. This methodology is fast, effective, and accurate.
Lu C, Humphrey SM, Browne AC. A method for verifying a vector-based text classification system .
AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2008 Nov 6:1030.