Anatomical Modeling from Unstructured Samples Using Variational Implicit Surfaces.
Yoo TS, Morse B, Subramanian KR, Rheingans P, Ackerman MJ
In: Westwood JD, Hoffman HM, Mogel GT, Stredney D, Robb RA, editors. Stud Health Technol Inform [Studies in Health Technology and Informatics] - Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001;81:594-600. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
We describe the use of variational implicit surfaces (level sets of an embedded generating function modeled using radial basis interpolants) in anatomic modeling. This technique allows the practitioner to employ sparsely and unevenly sampled data to represent complex biological surfaces, including data acquired as a series of non-parallel image slices. The method inherently accommodates interpolation across irregular spans. In addition, shapes with arbitrary topology are easily represented without interpolation or aliasing errors arising from discrete sampling. To demonstrate the medical use of variational implicit surfaces, we present the reconstruction of the inner surfaces of blood vessels from a series of endovascular ultrasound images.
Yoo TS, Morse B, Subramanian KR, Rheingans P, Ackerman MJ. Anatomical Modeling from Unstructured Samples Using Variational Implicit Surfaces.
In: Westwood JD, Hoffman HM, Mogel GT, Stredney D, Robb RA, editors. Stud Health Technol Inform [Studies in Health Technology and Informatics] - Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001;81:594-600. Amsterdam: IOS Press.