
Bringing the Medical Library Where Needed - At the Point of Care.

Fontelo P, Liu F

Technical Report to the LHNCBC Board of Scientific Counselors; 2008 Sep. 61 pages.


This report to the LHC Board of Scientific Councelors presents our investigation and development of tools to enable the clinician to access knowledge sources from the NLM, such as MEDLINE/PubMed, in support of the practice of evidence-based medicine (EBM). These resources should be Internet-based, compatible with any Web browser, mostly text formatted, and operating system independent. These portals should be accessible anywhere, using any networked device, from a desktop computer to a wireless handheld device such a mobile phone. Medical information should be available to any clinician at the point of care, or researchers around the world, anytime. It should be interactive, clinically relevant, and presented as clinical 'the bottom line' (TBL) statements for quick reading so they can be useful in clinical decision-making. These resources should be modular so they can be linked or incorporated into an electronic medical record.

Fontelo P, Liu F. Bringing the Medical Library Where Needed - At the Point of Care. 
Technical Report to the LHNCBC Board of Scientific Counselors; 2008 Sep. 61 pages.