
Construction of Korean Version PICO Linguist and BabelMeSH.

Jung B, Lee S, Fontelo P, Liu F, Kim S

Korean Society of Medical Informatics (KOSMI) Fall Congress Proceedings 2007.


The PICO Linguist and BabelMeSH are search tools intended for non-English speaking PubMed users from 10 countries. A database of Korean medical terms was added to the search engine using concept equivalents of English terms to Korean ones. There are 2 problems in constructing Korean version. Korean user interface was built to fit Korean version of BabelMeSH. Users can limit the search output according to the language of publications. However, there are some limitations Korean version PICO Linguist and BabelMeSH. The retrieved citations are still in English. To satisfy Korean readers, the citations should be translated in Korean in the future. It would be useful to search both Korean and English journals just using Korean terms. The preliminary evaluation of the Spanish system showed positive responses. It could be useful and convenient tools in finding the medical literature especially for Korean medical terms that may be difficult to express in English.

Jung B, Lee S, Fontelo P, Liu F, Kim S. Construction of Korean Version PICO Linguist and BabelMeSH. 
Korean Society of Medical Informatics (KOSMI) Fall Congress Proceedings 2007.