
EpiX: A 3D Measurement Tool for Heritage, Archeology, and Aerial Photogrammetry.

Yao S, Yu H, AliAkbarpour H, Seetharaman G, Palaniappan K

Heritage Preservation, pp. 47-66, 2018.


There has been an increased focus on the multi-dimensional reconstruction from variety of cultural heritage images, archeological artifacts and heritage sites. The risk due to climate change which is one of the factors in imaging specific sites located in coastal areas identified to be in danger. Most of the approaches significantly rely on accurate and precise metadata information, which however is difficult to obtain and is more prone to errors. We present an open, cross-platform, effective and extensible GUI annotation tool named EpiX, exploiting the geometric features of epipolar lines, for large photogrammetric imagery analysis. This paper focuses on the use of EpiX for multiple research purposes, including ground truth collection and 3D distance measurement in both high-resolution, high-throughput wide-area format video also known as wide-area motion imagery (WAMI), applicable to acquire airborne images of archeological and heritage sites. We present our experimental results using EpiX, and demonstrate that users could collect useful information and validate original metadata in a much shorter time compared to other techniques accessible to archeologists and photogrammetrist, at present.

Yao S, Yu H, AliAkbarpour H, Seetharaman G, Palaniappan K. EpiX: A 3D Measurement Tool for Heritage, Archeology, and Aerial Photogrammetry. 
Heritage Preservation, pp. 47-66, 2018.