
Evaluating the consistency of inferred drug-class membership relations in NDF-RT.

Winnenburg R, Bodenreider O

Proc 17th ISMB'2014 SIG meeting "Bio-Ontologies"2014


Objectives: To evaluate the consistency of inferred drug-class membership relations in NDF-RT (National Drug File Reference Terminology). Methods: We use an OWL rea-soner to infer the drug-class membership relations from the class definitions and the descriptions of drugs and compare them to asserted relations. Results: The inferred and as-serted relations only match in about 50% of the cases. Con-clusions: This investigation quantifies and categorizes the inconsistencies between asserted and inferred drug classes and illustrates issues with class definitions and drug descrip-tions.

Winnenburg R, Bodenreider O. Evaluating the consistency of inferred drug-class membership relations in NDF-RT. 
Proc 17th ISMB'2014 SIG meeting "Bio-Ontologies"2014