Face Match for Family Reunification: Real-World Face Image Retrieval.
Borovikov E, Vajda S, Gill MJ
International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing. DOI: 10.4018/IJCVIP.2017040102.
Despite the many advances in face recognition technology, practical face detection and matching for unconstrained images remain challenging. A real-world Face Image Retrieval (FIR) system is described in this paper. It is based on optimally weighted image descriptor ensemble utilized in single-image-per-person (SIPP) approach that works with large unconstrained digital photo collections. The described visual search can be deployed in many applications, e.g. person location in post-disaster scenarios, helping families reunite quicker. It provides efficient means for face detection, matching and annotation, working with images of variable quality, requiring no time-consuming training, yet showing commercial performance levels.
Borovikov E, Vajda S, Gill MJ. Face Match for Family Reunification: Real-World Face Image Retrieval.
International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing. DOI: 10.4018/IJCVIP.2017040102.