Found in Translation: Tracking and Tagging Translational Research.
Fontelo P, Liu F, Cravedi K
AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2009 Nov 14-18; San Francisco. p. 823.
The NIH Roadmap includes an initiative to encourage the translation of basic science into clinical applications. Billions of dollars are being spent on this effort to improve healthcare, and the question of how long it takes for NIH research to lead to new therapies needs to be answered. This project looks at identifying and tracking translational research papers at the NIH with the goal of eventually shortening the time it takes for science to move from bench to bedside.
Fontelo P, Liu F, Cravedi K. Found in Translation: Tracking and Tagging Translational Research.
AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2009 Nov 14-18; San Francisco. p. 823.