Hierarchical Summarization of Concepts for Visual Discovery Browsing - a Pilot Study [abstract and demo].
Cairelli M, Rindflesch TC
Procedings of the IEEE VisWeek Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare, October 23, 2011, Providence, RI, 37-40.
We propose a demo of Semantic MEDLINE using an investigation of recent literature on clock genes to demonstrate the tool's ability to summarize recent literature. Clock genes were discovered in fruit flies in 1971 and were later found in all other organisms, including humans. Recent research has gone beyond molecular mechanics into the physiological implications of inappropriate expression and/or function of clock genes in common diseases with significant clinical implications. We will do a search for "clock genes," using the most recent 1000 citations, and then summarize the results using the Pharmacogenomics schema to produce a graph of related predications. Then we will navigate through the graph, highlighting significant predications and the underlying articles that provided them. This tutorial will introduce the audience to Semantic MEDLINE's general capabilities, the advantages of its visual representation of search results, and some opportunities for tool development.
Cairelli M, Rindflesch TC. Hierarchical Summarization of Concepts for Visual Discovery Browsing - a Pilot Study [abstract and demo].
Procedings of the IEEE VisWeek Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare, October 23, 2011, Providence, RI, 37-40.
URL: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CD0QFjAA&url=http%3A//visual.nlm.nih.gov/~cabanj/VAHC2011-Proceedings-LowRes.pdf&ei=vq56Uam7LY-54APis4GIDg&usg=AFQjCNHEQGHspXAFmbVTdY4Gu6VwfqRchQ&sig2=5_OfOj64WApDZy6_pZ-R-g&bvm=bv.45645796%2Cd.dmg&cad=rja