
IPS: A System That Uses Machine Learning to Help Locate Patient Records for Clinical Research.

Cooper GF, Buchanan BG, Chapman W, Hanbury P, Kayaalp M, Saul M

Proc AMIA Symp. 2001: : 813.


The IPS (Identifying Patient Sets) system assists clinical researchers in locating patient electronic records of interest for use in retrospective and prospective studies. Such records can include structured data, such as medication lists and laboratory results, as well as free text data, such as dictated discharge summaies. The IPS system is designed to help researchers locate records that are difficult to find with a simple Boolean query, either because many of the relevant query terms are not easily identifiable or because the concept of interest is inherently complex. For example, it would be difficult to formulate a simple Boolean query that (with high precision and recall) locates the records of patients who had experienced adverse drug reactions in the hospital.

Cooper GF, Buchanan BG, Chapman W, Hanbury P, Kayaalp M, Saul M. IPS: A System That Uses Machine Learning to Help Locate Patient Records for Clinical Research. 
Proc AMIA Symp. 2001: : 813.