Integrating Drug-gene Associations Mined from the Literature with Drug Information Sources - A Comparison with PharmGKB.
Doughty E, Kirk B, Kann MG, Bodenreider O
Proceedings of the 2011 PSB Workshop on Mining the Pharmacogenomics Literature 2011
While pharmacogenomics is interested in finding the connections between drugs and human genomic variation from the perspective of personalized medicine, mutational information is still primarily locked in the literature. Fortunately, high-throughput text mining approaches are being developed to facilitate the identification of pharmacogenomic knowledge. The principal pharamacogenomics database is PharmGKB, in which mutation-drug associations are manually curated. Text mining and curated resources have different strengths and can be used in combination, where text mining is used to identify areas for curation and curated data serve as a reference for the evaluation of text mining methods.
Doughty E, Kirk B, Kann MG, Bodenreider O. Integrating Drug-gene Associations Mined from the Literature with Drug Information Sources - A Comparison with PharmGKB.
Proceedings of the 2011 PSB Workshop on Mining the Pharmacogenomics Literature 2011