Matching Clinical Observations in Published Cardiology Case Reports to LOINC [Abstract].
Sneiderman C, Rosemblat G, Bray B, Fiszman M, Rindflesch TC
AMIA Annu Symp Proc; 2009 Nov 14-18; San Francisco. p. 1036.
Observations in published clinical case reports were matched by hand to entries in the Logical Observations Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) in a preliminary analysis of the feasibility of automated natural language processing. Coverage of history, physical, laboratory, and imaging findings was nearly complete, and categorization of terms assigned suggests a strategy for automatic coding.
Sneiderman C, Rosemblat G, Bray B, Fiszman M, Rindflesch TC. Matching Clinical Observations in Published Cardiology Case Reports to LOINC [Abstract].
AMIA Annu Symp Proc; 2009 Nov 14-18; San Francisco. p. 1036.