MeSHgram: An Open Source Tool to Visually Browse Co-occurrence of MeSH Terms in PubMed [Poster].
Raje S, Bhupatiraju R, Abdelrahman H, Busby B
AMIA 2017 Symposium Proceedings.
MeSHgram is an interactive tool to browse cooccurrences of MeSH terms within the PubMed corpus. It allows users to search for MeSH terms and quickly visually inspect the evolution of cooccurrences over time as well as other MeSH terms in context in real-time. The tool can be used for quantification of known research patterns as well as potentially aid novel hypotheses generation. MeSHgram is available at
Raje S, Bhupatiraju R, Abdelrahman H, Busby B. MeSHgram: An Open Source Tool to Visually Browse Co-occurrence of MeSH Terms in PubMed [Poster].
AMIA 2017 Symposium Proceedings.