Moving, merging, managing, and mining clinical data for care and research.
McDonald CJ, Abhyankar S
April 2011 Technical Report to the LHNCBC Board of Scientific Counselors.
The work I present today represents the continuation of my long-time focus and interest in the computerization of clinical data, which was often described in the past as electronic medical records research. My Regenstrief Institute colleagues and I created one of the first EHRs in 1972. We showed that computer-generated reminders to physicians could improve care process in randomized clinical trials starting in 1976. We built a physician order entry work station in 1986 and showed its value in the only randomized trial of such a system. Physicians were actually happy with this system once we tuned it to their needs. Interestingly, what they loved the most was not the computer, but a report generated by the computer that summarized everything about each patient on one page, in small font, that would fit in their white coat pocket.
McDonald CJ, Abhyankar S. Moving, merging, managing, and mining clinical data for care and research.
April 2011 Technical Report to the LHNCBC Board of Scientific Counselors.