NLM Medical Text Indexer: A Tool for Automatic and Assisted Indexing.
Aronson AR, Mork JG, Lang FM, Rogers WJ, Neveol A
April 2008 Technical Report to the LHNCBC Board of Scientific Counselors.
This report to the LHC Board of Scientific Councelors presents our investigation of methods for automatic and assisted indexing to enhance access to NLM document collections including MEDLINE and various NLM Gateway collections of meetings abstracts (NLM Gateway, 2008). The project will be considered a success if our methods result in improved retrieval performance of biomedical information.
Aronson AR, Mork JG, Lang FM, Rogers WJ, Neveol A. NLM Medical Text Indexer: A Tool for Automatic and Assisted Indexing.
April 2008 Technical Report to the LHNCBC Board of Scientific Counselors.