Preparing Digitized Cervigrams for Colposcopy Research and Education: Determination of Optimal Resolution and Compression Parameters.
Jeronimo J, Long R, Neve L, Ferris D, Noller K, Spitzer M, Mitra S, Guo J, Nutter B, Castle P, Herrero R, Rodriguez AC, Schiffman M
J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2006 Jan;10(1):39-44
Visual assessment of digitized cervigrams through the Internet needs to be optimized. The National Cancer Institute and National Library of Medicine are involved in a large effort to improve colposcopic assessment and, in preparation, are conducting methodologic research. We selected 50 cervigrams with diagnoses ranging from normal to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 3 orinvasive cancer. Those pictures were scanned at 5 resolution levels from 1,550 to 4,000 dots per inch (dpi) and were presented to 4 expert colposcopists to assess image quality. After the ideal resolution level was determined, pictures were compressed at 7 compression ratios from 20:1 to 80:1 to determine the optimal level of compression that permitted full assessment of key visual details. There were no statistically significant differences between the 3,000 and 4,000 dpi pictures. At 2,000 dpi resolution, only one colposcopist found a slightly statistically significant difference (p=0.02) compared with the gold standard. There was a clear loss of quality of the pictures at 1,660 dpi. At compression ratio 60:1, 3 of 4 evaluators found statisticallysignificant differences when comparing against the gold standard. Our results suggest that 2,000 dpi is the optimal level for digitizing cervigrams, and the optimal compression ratio is 50:1 using a novel wavelet-based technology. At these parameters, pictures have no significant differences with the gold standard.
Jeronimo J, Long R, Neve L, Ferris D, Noller K, Spitzer M, Mitra S, Guo J, Nutter B, Castle P, Herrero R, Rodriguez AC, Schiffman M. Preparing Digitized Cervigrams for Colposcopy Research and Education: Determination of Optimal Resolution and Compression Parameters.
J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2006 Jan;10(1):39-44