State-of-the-art in biomedical literature retrieval for clinical cases: A survey of the TREC 2014 CDS Track. .
Roberts K, Simpson M, Demner-Fushman D, Voorhees E, Hersh W
Inf Retrieval J. 2015.
Providing access to relevant biomedical literature in a clinical setting has the potential to bridge a critical gap in evidence-based medicine. Here, our goal is specificallyto provide relevant articles to clinicians to improve their decision-making in diagnosing, treating, and testing patients. To this end, the TREC 2014 Clinical Decision Support Track evaluated a system’s ability to retrieve relevant articles in one of three categories (Diagnosis, Treatment, Test) using an idealized form of a patient medical record. Over 100 submissions from over 25 participants were evaluated on 30 topics, resulting in over 37k relevance judgments. In this article, we provide an overview of the task, a survey of the information retrieval methods employed by the participants, an analysis of the results, and a discussion on the future directions for this challenging yet important task.
Roberts K, Simpson M, Demner-Fushman D, Voorhees E, Hersh W. State-of-the-art in biomedical literature retrieval for clinical cases: A survey of the TREC 2014 CDS Track. .
Inf Retrieval J. 2015.