Supporting Access to Consumer Health Information Across Languages.
Rosemblat G, Tse T, Gemoets D, Gillen JE, Ide NC
Proc ICML-9, September 20-23, 2005; Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
Access to high-quality online consumer health information is frequently a barrier for non-English speakers and speakers of English as a foreign language. One strategy is to leverage existing English-language systems. In this case study, we present mechanisms developed, designed, and implemented to support access by Spanish speakers to First, we briefly introduce the underlying cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) technology and development of a Spanish-English bilingual term list. We then focus on language-based design decisions and their implications for integrating components of a Spanish-language system with the existing system architecture. Data display and navigation issues will also be presented. We conclude with results from a preliminary evaluation of the Spanish-English CLIR prototype. The long-term goal is to adapt such technologies generally for consumer health sites to support access in different languages.
Rosemblat G, Tse T, Gemoets D, Gillen JE, Ide NC. Supporting Access to Consumer Health Information Across Languages.
Proc ICML-9, September 20-23, 2005; Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.