TB-SMS: A Short Messaging Service (SMS) Medication Reminder Application for DOTS.
Ducut E, Liu F, Quion N, Fontelo P
AMIA Annu Symp Proc; 2009 Nov 14-18; San Francisco. p. 827.
While the current standard tuberculosis (TB) treatment remains to be the Directly Observed Therapy, Short Course (DOTS), other methods to improve adherence to medication schedules must be sought. The popularity of mobile phones provide another avenue for both doctors and patients to improve communication. The study aims to improve compliance in the DOTS program by sending daily Short Messaging Service (SMS) or text message medication reminders to TB patients. We developed a scalable, Web-based SMS tracking application that can be used to obtain and update patient data, send out medication and appointment reminders, convey health information, and recall patients for missed appointments.
Ducut E, Liu F, Quion N, Fontelo P. TB-SMS: A Short Messaging Service (SMS) Medication Reminder Application for DOTS.
AMIA Annu Symp Proc; 2009 Nov 14-18; San Francisco. p. 827.