
txt2MEDLINE and SMS Practice Guidelines for Clinicians in Botswana.

Kovarik C, Fontelo P, Liu F, Armstrong K, Littman-Quinn R, Banez R, Seymour A, Shih T, Mazhani L

AMIA Annu Symp Proc [Proceedings of the American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium]; 2010 Nov 13-17; Washington DC. p. 1043.


Clinicians in rural Africa have limited access to theInternet. This impedes the practice of evidence-basedmedicine. However, wireless mobile phone accessand use is extensive. The University of Pennsylvaniain collaboration with the NLM created a textmessaging server for MEDLINE (txt2MEDLINE)searching, together with an SMS-optimized, practiceguidelines database in Botswana. This will enableclinicians to access MEDLINE and country-specificclinical guidelines using mobile phones.

Kovarik C, Fontelo P, Liu F, Armstrong K, Littman-Quinn R, Banez R, Seymour A, Shih T, Mazhani L. txt2MEDLINE and SMS Practice Guidelines for Clinicians in Botswana. 
AMIA Annu Symp Proc [Proceedings of the American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium]; 2010 Nov 13-17; Washington DC. p. 1043.