Generating SD-Rules in the SPECISLIST Lexical Tools - Optimization for suffix derivation rule set [Poster].
Lu C, Tormey D, McDreedy L, Browne AC
BIOSTEC 2016), Vol(5): HEALTHINF, Rome, Italy, February 21-23, 2016, p. 353-358 (9th International Conference on Health Informatics, HEALTHINF/BIOSTEC, 2016 Best Poster Award
No abstract available.
Lu C, Tormey D, McDreedy L, Browne AC. Generating SD-Rules in the SPECISLIST Lexical Tools - Optimization for suffix derivation rule set [Poster].
BIOSTEC 2016), Vol(5): HEALTHINF, Rome, Italy, February 21-23, 2016, p. 353-358 (9th International Conference on Health Informatics, HEALTHINF/BIOSTEC, 2016 Best Poster Award