Overview of the TAC 2018 Drug-Drug Interaction Extraction from Drug Labels Track.
Demner-Fushman D, Fung K, Do P, Boyce R, Goodwin T
Proceedings of the Text Analysis Conference (TAC) 2018, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, November 13-14, 2018.
This paper describes the Drug-Drug Interaction Extraction from Drug Labels Track, part of the 2018 Text Analysis Conference (TAC). Participants were provided with an annotated set of interactions related sections of drug labels and challenged with: (1) extracting mentions of the precipitants, triggers and effects of drug-drug interactions at sentence level; (2) identifying relations between interacting substances and their types; (3) normalizing mentions and relations to several standard terminologies; and (4) determining the unique set of drug-drug interactions across all provided sections of a drug label. Eight teams submitted at least one run, with 26 submissions in total.
Demner-Fushman D, Fung K, Do P, Boyce R, Goodwin T. Overview of the TAC 2018 Drug-Drug Interaction Extraction from Drug Labels Track.
Proceedings of the Text Analysis Conference (TAC) 2018, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, November 13-14, 2018.